Viewpoint diversity can be a source of polarization or creativity.
We help leaders harness tensions inherent in purpose-driven work to grow people and organizations.
Today’s campus is a volatile melting pot of contentious issues.
We help faculty and administrators empower students to advocate across divides.
Struggling to make progress on the issues you care about?
Get inspired and build your skills using our tools and stories about #BreakingGridlock in action.
Think about the last time you tried to talk with someone about political, social, or environmental issues who didn’t already agree with you. How well did it go?
All too often, well-meaning attempts to effect change get stuck in the noisy traffic jam of competing ideas, priorities, and ideologies. Indeed, gridlock is holding the United States and other countries across the globe hostage, illustrating on a large scale how rare it is for individuals to break through and produce results for oneself, one’s organization, or our society as a whole.
With Breaking Through Gridlock, Jason Jay and Gabriel Grant share clear-cut and actionable pathways for having these hard conversations. The well-tested methods advocated in this book can be applied to any conversation where change is needed. With proven exercises and rich examples, this interactive ‘field guide’ walks readers through a process of transforming paralysis and effecting positive change.


Jason Jay
Today, Jason is a senior lecturer and the director of the Sustainability Initiative at the MIT Sloan School of Management. He teaches courses on strategy and innovation for sustainable business to hundreds of leaders every year. Through his writing, teaching, and community building, he empowers business leaders to help their organizations thrive while tackling the tough social and environmental challenges of our time. Before he began teaching, he ran an Internet start-up, traveled around the world, taught kindergarten, received a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a master’s in education from Harvard University, worked as a consultant with Dialogos International, and earned a doctorate in organization studies from MIT.

Gabriel Grant

Project Manager
Laura Yates
In her consulting work, Laura blends policy, economic, and applied sciences training with technical and business expertise to support nonprofits and businesses working for a better world.
Laura graduated from Indiana University’s School of Public and Environmental Affairs in 2016 with a Master of Science in Environmental Sciences (MSES) and a Master of Public Affairs (MPA), concentrating in Sustainable Development and Policy Analysis. She holds a BS in Economics and a secondary major in Earth, Environment and Global Sustainability from Bentley University, where her research covered cross-cultural communication, environmental economics, and sustainability in business.
Originally from Indiana, Laura grew up in Switzerland, where she was inspired by the Swiss cultural and regulatory approach to community and the environment. From 2014 to 2017, Laura lived in a self-designed, self-built tiny house, as an experiment in sustainable, values-driven living and design (hear the story from Laura’s 2015 TEDx talk).
Articles, Publications & News
Poll Everywhere | January 3, 2018
How One Teacher Prepares Her Students for Difficult Conversations
Poll Everywhere | December 28, 2017 | Maxwell McGee
Holiday Conversations in a Polarized World: How Love Wins
Psychology Today | November 22, 2017 | Jason Jay & Gabriel Grant
How to Wield the Power of Vulnerability: Break through gridlock in conversations that have otherwise run afoul
Psychology Today | October 18, 2017 | Jason Jay & Gabriel Grant
What’s the Key to Winning Hearts and Minds? Start with Your Own
Psychology Today | August 26, 2017 | Jason Jay & Gabriel Grant
In Turbulent Times, How To Talk Politics At Work
WBUR Cognoscenti | August 5, 2017 | Jason Jay & Gabriel Grant
Positive Luxury Feature: Breaking Through Gridlock interview with Jason Jay
Positive Luxury | June 23, 2017 | Sophie Corfan
Book Review: Can Authenticity Melt Gridlock? An MIT Scholar and a CEO Say Yes.
Huffington Post | June 26, 2017 | Michael Shammas
SB’17 Detroit Workshop Explores Actionable Strategies for Breaking ‘Gridlock’
Sustainable Brands | June 7, 2017 | Nithin Coca
A Toolset for Getting Stuck Conversations Back On Track
MIT Newsroom | April 10, 2017 | Kara Baskin
The Oxford Handbook of Organizational Paradox (Oxford Handbooks) 1st Edition
Oxford University Press | November 14, 2017 | Smith, Lewis, Jarzabkowski & Langley
Chapter 17: Navigating the Paradoxes of Sustainability – Jason Jay, Gabriel Grant & Sara Soderstrom
The 3 pitfalls that trap sustainability leaders — and how to avoid them
GreenBiz | April 15, 2015 | Ellen Wienreb